Love Spell Caster in the Philippines

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Love spells won't have negative effects if:

1. It is not against a person's will. For example, the target has feelings for you but there are obstacles like he/she cannot express his/her true feelings, or he/she is afraid of rejection because he/she does not know that you also like him/her.

2. The target is your partner or spouse and you just want to rekindle your relationship. For example, he/she is starting to become distant or he/she is seeing someone else but he/she still loves you.

3. It is done to bring back a former lover who still has feelings for you, and he/she does not have a new relationship yet.

4. The person who replaced you was the reason for your separation, and the target still have feelings for you.

5. The subject was your partner before, but he/she broke up with you because he/she was under a love spell.

If a love spell is not made carefully, it can have negative effects such as:

1. You may become obsessed with the target.

2. The person under your love spell may become possessive and may hurt you.

3. The love spell can still have an effect on someone who no longer has feelings for you, but remember that it will only be temporary.

That is why it is important to undergo a psychic consultation before casting a love spell to know if it is appropriate for your situation.

If you want to consult, just fill out the form below:

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